Friday, October 09, 2009

Format der MGCplus-Messdateien

Mit MGCplus ist es möglich, Messdaten auf PCcards in den Kommunikationsprozessoren CP32 und CP42 abzuspeichern. Diese Dateien haben die Endungen *.mea, *.me1 und *.me2.
Das Dokument beschreibt das Format der MGCplus-Messdateien...


Hier findet man ein kurze Darstellung der Zeitkanäle im MGCplus...

Description catman binary format

Under this link you'll find a tabled description of the catman binary format...

MGCplus in LabView - based upon catman activeX

The linked pdf is a VI documentation, where we read measurement data from MGCplus.

When the VI is started, you can select a catman IO-Definition.
If the IO-Definition does not exist, a catman dialogue appears, where you can create a new IO definition.

Then the measurement starts with the desired sample rate.

Three signal will be acquired in this example. You can define, which signals.
This can be a time signal and two measured values or three signals.

During measurement, you can change the selection of signals.

In this VI a ringbuffer for the three acquired signals is implements.
The size of ringbuffer can be changed during measurement.

MGCplus - A presentation

A presentation of the amplifier system MGCplus can be found here.

MGCplus - The magic PRG terminal command

On Request a link to a PDF document with the description of the PRG terminal command for MGCplus...